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Introduction My Self

      Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb

     Hallo everyone!!!😊😊

     First of all, I thank you very much for visiting my blog, even though there are still many shortcomings in it.

     My name is Lusiana Nurliasari, I was born in Wonogiri, Central Java. I am now 18 years old.

     I am graduate from SMAN 1 Baturetno.I come from Wonogiri but better known as Surakarta,but now I live with my aunt in Kediri 

     I am the eldest of 2 siblings, my little sister is 5 years old.My hobbies are shopping and traveling and the last one is my favorite food and drink which is fried chicken and mineral water.

     I think it's enough to introduce myself, thank you for your attention. Next, please read my blog about some material about reading, I hope it's useful. See you soon and don't forget to take care of your health 

     Wassalamu'alaikum Wr.Wb
